Monday, September 24, 2007


I must admit this was a decision that had been weighing on me for some time. I must admit also that this site is almost entirely inspired by a good friend of mine who has a site I think you should check out ( - wonder where I got the name? I respect Jeremy's opinion on film as much as I would respect the more well known critics out there - but what I find most facinating about Jeremy's opinion on film, is not simply how diverse his choices are and his diverse appreciation of film, but that while we agree on many films, we also disagree, and both with I feel rather compelling arguments and comparrisons. Speaking of comparrisons, I smell and Ebert and Roeper feel coming along.

Keep in mind, Jeremy was not consulted before I began this blog and is in no way associated with it. And the truth is Jeremy will offer a far better library than I would. But feel free to check out Jeremy's blog and check out mine and see where each of us stands on a particular film.

My blog will focus on new theatrical releases I see, as I see them. Some on opening weekends, some later. I thought about going back to the summer as there were several notables I would love to share my opinion on, but I thought I would start fresh now.

I will also, once a month, have a "see this movie" blog where I will choose one film from my personal favorties and offer a review of sorts to encourage you to see it.



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